

1st Foshan Composers Contest 2022

DATE LIMITE: 01.09.2022 Expiré
1st Foshan Composers Contest 2022

The 1st Foshan Composers Contest 2022 is a new competition created with the aim of encouraging composers to create new music celebrating the city of Foshan.

Composers of all ages and nationalities are invited to participate in this contest by writing a composition for an ensemble with Chinese and Western instruments.

Works submitted should be inspired by and reflect the theme of Foshan and its Intangible Cultural Heritage. The compositions should aim to blend traditional Cantonese folkloristic music and Western music, suitable for the general public and connected with Foshan culture.

Ten nominated pieces will be premiered during the Final Concert on October 29th, 2022 at the Shunde Performing Arts Center, Foshan, China.

Total money prize of 100.000 RMB / ~ 14.000 €
No age limit. All nationalities. No entry fee. Anonymous judging.
Composition for an ensemble of 5-18 mixed instruments.

Please see for all information.



ID Sonore Rockhal OPEN CALL

DATE LIMITE: 22.07.2020 Expiré
ID Sonore Rockhal OPEN CALL

The Centre de Musiques Amplifiées – Rockhal is calling for applications from Luxembourg composers for the creation of an original and unpublished sound work. The aim of this call is to provide the Rockhal and the Rocklab with a sound identity that can be either in the form of a jingle or developed according to communication needs (sound logo, sound packaging for videos, answering machine, etc.) Participants must be Luxembourg nationals or residents. This call is part of the actions of the Centre de Musiques Amplifiées – Rockhal aimed at promoting and supporting music made in Luxembourg.



1st Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition

DATE LIMITE: 31.08.2020 Expiré
1st Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition

The Polish Society of Authors and Composers ZAiKS is happy to invite you to participate in the 1st Mieczysław Karłowicz International Composers’ Competition.




DATE LIMITE: 01.06.2020 Expiré

ECCO (European Contemporary Composers Orchestra) is a project organised by ECSA (European Composer and Songwriter Alliance) and dedicated to performing & promoting contemporary art music and to reaching new audiences.

The ECCO concert takes place twice a year in various countries and serves to circulate repertoire across European borders and help promote current repertoire and Europe’s musical diversity.

The next ECCO concert will be held in the framework of the ECSA Autumn Session in Luxembourg and is currently open for submissions.

It will feature the United Instruments of Lucilin and will take place at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg City on October 6th 2020.



Concours International de Composition ARTISTES EN HERBE 2020 Luxembourg - INFOS & LAUREATS (FR/EN)

Concours International de Composition ARTISTES EN HERBE 2020 Luxembourg - INFOS & LAUREATS (FR/EN)

Le Concours International de Composition “Artistes en Herbe” Luxembourg a été fondé en 2009 sous le Patronage du Ministère de la Culture Luxembourg et, dès son lancement, a connu un succès inespéré. Ce concours est unique en son genre en Europe occidentale avec le règlement où les enfants à partir du plus jeune âge sont admis dans la catégorie JUNIOR classée en 3 groupes d’âge. Le but pédagogique est renforcé par le règlement où les compositeurs adultes sont invités à écrire pour les enfants et ceci dans la catégorie SENIOR.

Le Concours en 2020 est avec le support du Ministère de la Culture, SACEM Luxembourg, Oeuvre Grande Duchesse Charlotte, FLAC, Les Concerts du Foyer Européen et Cercle Cité de la Ville du Luxembourg.

En 2020, la 5ème édition du Concours a été réalisée avec un grand succès international, surtout au niveau de la qualité des oeuvres qui ont été envoyées.
