New copyright directive in the Digital Single Market by the European Commission
The European Commission proposed today a new directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market. The European Composer and Songwriter Alliance ECSA, of which the FLAC is a member, has been very active in the preparation of the text together with their partners of the Authors’ Group and GESAC and we note some very positive elements in the text addressing both, unfair contracts and the value gap. On top of that, exceptions are drafted very carefully, there is no UGC exception, no fair use, no freedom of panaroma. Julia Reda and her friends lost on all fronts.
The copyright directive is without doubt pro authors:
“I want journalists, publishers and authors to be paid fairly for their work, whether it is made in studios or living rooms, whether it is disseminated offline or online, whether it is published via a copying machine or commercially hyperlinked on the web.”
– EC President Juncker at today’s State of the Union Address in the EP.
For more information, please download the directive and the press release on behalf of the Authors’ Group.