

ECCO - Call for Works - Ensemble Hopper - Brussels 2019

DATE LIMITE: 05.11.2018

ECCO - Call for Works - Ensemble Hopper - Brussels 2019

The European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA) is pleased to launch a call for works to be considered for its eleventh European Contemporary Composers Orchestra (ECCO) Concert which will be performed during the ECSA General Assembly in Brussels.

ECCO is an initiative of the contemporary music committee of ECSA (known as the ECF committee). It aims to establish a Europe-wide network dedicated to the performance, distribution and promotion of contemporary art music. It operates as a network of active ensembles, orchestras and young professionals, supporting creative dialogue between composers and performers and offering young professionals the opportunity to develop their skills on international level with ensembles experienced in contemporary music.

ECSA is pleased to announce that the ECCO concert will be performed by the Hopper ensemble and Centre Henri Pousseur. The concert will take place on 19 February 2019 in Espace Senghor.

The specifications for the concert are:

For the ECCO call for Brussels, the Hopper ensemble makes available the following


  • Piano
  • (Electric) Guitar
  • Clarinet
  • German Flute/Transverse Flute
  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Electronics

Only pieces of mixed music (acoustic instruments and electronics) are eligible for this call.

The specification for the electronics are either

  • Pre-recorded sound files (“tapes”). The use of a click track or a visual time code is possible


  • Live effects on instruments via cycling 74’s Max software ( and/or ableton live (

The electronics can be stereo or multi-channels (up to 6 channels)

We encourage pieces of all lengths but ask that the piece does not exceed 15 minutes

Works composed in movements cannot exceed 15 minutes in total. Separate movements will not be accepted

Works must have been written within the last twenty years and have already received a performance

Submission requirements

Submission must be made online via a PDF of the score. The score should preferably be type-set, but PDFs of legible hand-written score and parts are allowed. Submissions must include an audio recording in MP3 format of a live performance. No submissions will be considered without it.

Submissions for Luxembourg will be made through the FLAC, please send your submission to - There is a maximum of three per country.

Submissions from both individuals and publishers are welcome.

ECSA would like to encourage member societies to take gender balance into consideration for the selection. Each national submission must include compositions of composers of both sexes.

Deadline for submission is Monday 5 November 2018 – 12:00pm (CEST).

The jury will consist of members of the ECCO Artistic Committee who will select a programme of works of about 60 minutes. The aim is to have a broad selection of works which represent both the quality and diversity of the contemporary European symphonic writing within the ECSA members’ network.

ECCO - Call for Works - Ensemble Hopper - Brussels 2019

call for works ecsa
